Toss Your Salad Dressing Immediately If Notice These Signs

Toss Your Salad Dressing Immediately If Notice These Signs Food Handling and Safety


Toss Your Salad Dressing Immediately If Notice These Signs

Toss Your Salad Dressing Immediately If Notice These Signs


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We all have condiments and dressings sitting in the back of our refrigerators (and would rather not admit how long they’ve been there). Due to the fact that mayonnaise or balsamic vinaigrette usually don’t get used everyday, it’s easy to forget when you bought them at the store—and how long they’ve been inhabiting the top shelf. 

That’s why it’s important to brush up on the signs of expiration, especially when it comes to salad dressing, which tends to get overlooked in the kitchen. We turned to an expert to learn exactly when your salad dressing needs to be tossed—either in a bowl or in the garbage. 

It Fails the Sniff Test

Like most foods, salad dressing tends to take on an off-putting odor when expired. “This is because there are yeasts that produce gas when salad dressing has spoiled, and create off-flavors or odors in the process,” says food scientist Dr. Bryan Quoc Le. Trust your gut—any forms of rancid, unpleasant, or just plain weird scents warrant throwing it away. 

You’ll especially notice a sour odor with dairy-based dressings like ranch, Caesar, or Italian. Some have even likened a funky salad dressing smell to wet cardboard.

There’s Discoloration and Separation

Because you often have to mix or shake the bottle of dressing before you use it, this spoilage signal may go unnoticed. If the oil separates from the other solid ingredients, forming a top layer of just oil, then it’s gone bad. This includes if bubbles have appeared at the surface, Quoc Le says. 

Should the ingredients still be combined but the dressing looks darker or more faded than when you originally purchased it, throw it out. Any form of discoloration and separation are telltale signs that your dressing has kicked the bucket. 

Toss Your Salad Dressing Immediately If Notice These Signs

Toss Your Salad Dressing Immediately If Notice These Signs

Many salad dressings are gluten-free.
Andre Baranowski / Getty Images

It Has A Noticeably Different Flavor 

This one may be the most obvious, but if it tastes bitter, rancid, stale, or just all-around not right, then the salad dressing is likely spoiled. More specific signs include an excessive vinegar taste and significant oiliness (especially if the oil’s already risen to the top). So basically, if the dressing’s flavor is overly anything—salty, sour, or greasy — it’s time to get rid of it. 

How Long Does Store-Bought Salad Dressing Usually Last? 

The USDA recommends placing unopened, store-bought salad dressing in the pantry. It can last up to one year—just pay close attention to the expiration dates displayed on the container and the aforementioned spoilage signs. Once opened, the USDA advises keeping store-bought salad dressing refrigerated for up to two months. After that, it’s much better to be safe than sorry and splurge for new bottles. 

If you’re making homemade salad dressing, dairy-free or not, it will spoil faster than the store-bought stuff. Keep an eye out for spoilage indicators with creamy homemade dressings because they will only last for three to five days (maximum up to one week). Homemade vinaigrettes can last a few days longer than mayo-based ones, up to two weeks, but also don’t have a long shelf-life. As we always say—when in doubt, throw it out. 

The 6 Most Dangerous Expired Condiments in Your Kitchen, According to Experts

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