Krispy Kreme Is Giving Away Free Doughnuts This Week

Krispy Kreme Is Giving Away Free Doughnuts This Week Fast Food


Krispy Kreme Is Giving Away Free Doughnuts This Week

Krispy Kreme Is Giving Away Free Doughnuts This Week


Allrecipes/Adobe Stock

Somewhere in my closet are multiple strands of plastic beads. They were placed around my neck several years ago while walking down Bourbon Street in New Orleans, where the U.S.’s most famous Mardi Gras party rages for two weeks each year.

I confess, I did not get the beads during Mardi Gras. I visited New Orleans right before St. Patrick’s Day and discovered Mardi Gras is not the only celebration where beads are handed out in mass. By the end of the afternoon, this Irish lass was bedecked with numerous strands of mostly green beads—and the only thing I had to flash to get them was my red hair. All these years later, those beads will come in handy this March 4, otherwise known as Fat Tuesday.

Fat Tuesday is a day of indulgence before the 40-day period of Lent when many Christians opt to abstain from certain pleasures and indulgences, which can often include sweets. But the day before Lent begins—aka Mardi Gras—sweets are frequently sought out as one last treat before the fasting period on Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season begins.

If you want to indulge on Fat Tuesday, whether you’ll be giving up sweets for Lent or not, Krispy Kreme invites you to do so, on the house.

Krispy Kreme Is Giving Away Free Doughnuts for Mardi Gras

Fat Tuesday falls on March 4 this year and anyone who dons Mardi Gras beads of any color—though most traditionally they’re purple, gold, and green—on a visit to a Krispy Kreme shop that day gets one free Original Glazed Doughnut.

The best part is, you don't need to buy anything to get the doughnut. Simply, walk in or go through the drive-thru wearing your beads, and you'll be given a fresh Original Glazed doughnut, no purchase necessary. The only catch is each person is limited to one free doughnut for Mardi Gras.

It might not be the traditional Mardi Gras king cake, but a free doughnut seems like a pretty good reason to dig out my green beads.

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